New Year, Same Essence

2019 has been quite a year. I have doubted myself more than before and proven myself wrong more times than expected. I’ve experienced lots of losses in friendships and relationships, but my “spirit” or the essence of myself has not faltered. Similar to last year, I will not change all of who I am to [...]

The Novelty of Depression

Individualism is heavily present in Western culture. The American Dream is oriented around the idea that an individual’s hard work, perseverance, and goals can help them achieve anything. Whilst that idealist notion is possible for some, the American Dream isn’t easily accessible to all. I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of “novelty” in [...]

A letter to a friend struggling with psychosis

February 2, 2019 To a friend struggling with psychosis,   The entire being of who we are could be theoretical. We can attest that our being is real, but who’s to define what that means? Who’s to prove that we are nothing but a thought? Nothing but a subconscious reality in someone else’s mind? Yet, [...]

Decoding Language

Have you ever seen a child cry during a once seemingly calm moment? Whether it’s while you are serving them a meal, putting their socks on, or encouraging them to go outside instead of watching TV – somehow you find yourself in the midst of a tantrum. You don’t know where you went wrong or [...]

We’re Not Alone

I was sitting with my therapist a few weeks ago and we talked about bell curves, statistics, and thresholds of what a “normal” human experience looks like both individually and statistically. A lot of people discourage others to not compare themselves to their peers, but the fundamental thing we talked about in my session was that [...]